Who is the #1 Ignition Interlock Company in Wichita, Kansas? Wichita Interlock Company is by far the best ignition interlock business in Wichita. In fact, Wichita Interlock Company is one of the biggest and best interlock companies in the entire Midwest. Wichita Interlock company, formally known as 2nd Chance DUI…
How much does a car breathalyzer cost? $90 a month as a service fee, including insurance and taxes it is about $101. The device is rented and if it gets broken it is about $1,500. How long do you have to have a breathalyzer in your car? Depends on the…
It will help dilute the alcohol but it’s not a good solution don’t drink.…
Most toothpaste on the market does not have alcohol in them just read the label. Aftershave might affect it.…
If you spray cologne in the car it can make you fail, or inhalers, citrus drinks like orange juice, Red Bull, monster drinks, different types of bread especially if it’s warm such as Casey’s gas station pizza or Kris ph crepe donuts. Air fresheners…
You shouldn’t be drinking at all, the reason you have a breathalyzer is to keep you from drinking and driving but if you can’t help yourself from getting into the car, you probably shouldn’t even have one drink. But to be safe, one beer every 3 hours. Although, I wouldn’t…
It’s probably best to wait 3-4 or more hours and even better if you just don’t drink it’s not worth it and if you have a breathalyzer, you are likely on probation and shouldn’t be drinking anyway. If you fail a breathy lay zero and it gets reported to probation…
Not unless it’s ether-based.…
No, because you have to be a state-certified provider to install it. The I stallion is cheap and quick and easy for a professional…
Yeast. Bread. Donuts. Pizza. All of these things can make you fail a breathalyzer…