Wichita Interlock Company

News, Advice & Events

Advice DUI

How long does a DUI stay on your record in Kansas?

A DUI record may stay forever in your record in Kansas. However, after completing your probation after at least five years, your first-time conviction can be removed at the judge’s discretion. A second conviction can be removed from your criminal record after 10 years. The same information can still show…
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Advice DUI

Is a DUI a felony in Kansas?

Under the state laws, a driver will be charged with DUI when their blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08% or more. The first or second DUI charges are treated as a misdemeanor, while the third and fourth DUI cases are treated as felonies.…
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Advice DUI

What happens when you get a DUI in Kansas?

Two things will happen, you will get a criminal charge and have your driver’s license suspended. These two things can have a serious negative effect on your driving record for the rest of your life.” After your first DUI conviction in Kansas, you can get… 48 hours prison sentence or…
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getting dui in kansas
Advice DUI

DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in Kansas

DUI (Driving Under the Influence) means operating a car or any other automobile under the influence of alcohol or other types of drugs, rendering you unable to operate the vehicle safely. Different states have their DUI laws, which vary slightly from one to another. Kansas is one state known for…
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Advice DUI

Getting Your License Unsuspended From A DUI In Kansas

If your license has been suspended in Kansas due to a DUI, you can get it unsuspended by applying to the court for a restricted ignition interlock status after a $100 application fee. Where In Kansas Do You Go To Get Interlock After You Have Been Approved For One? You…
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wichita dui laws
Advice DUI

What Are The DUI Laws in Wichita?

DUI Laws Listed By Offense 1st DUI Offense – 2 days in jail or 100+ hours of community service and up to $1000 in fines/fees, suspended license for 30 days and restricted for up to 1 year 2nd DUI Offense – 3 months in jail and up to $1500 in…
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who is most likely to get a dui
Advice DUI

Who Is Most Likely to Get a DUI?

Anyone who drinks alcohol or takes drugs and takes control over the wheel in under the risk of committing a DUI. However, statistics show that some people are more represented among DUI drivers than others. A few examples: Men are two times more likely to commit a DUI than women…
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Advice DUI

What Does A DUI Mean?

DUI is an abbreviation for “Driving Under the Influence”. You have committed a DUI if you have driven under the influence of: Alcohol Drugs The combination of alcohol and drugs DUI is most commonly associated with drunk driving. Having alcohol in your blood, though, may not be enough to be…
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Advice DUI

Are DUI and DWI the Same Thing?

DUI and DWI are the two most common abbreviations used to described driving under the influence of intoxicating substances that impair driving abilities. DUI means “Driving Under the Influence” DWI means “Driving While Intoxicated” In general, both terms describe the same thing – impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs.…
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Advice DUI

Does a DUI Affect Buying a Car?

Car dealers do not care how bad a driver is when selling cars. They sell to both good and bad drivers, even to DUI drivers. When buying a car, you’ll be asked to provide a document for identification. If your driving license has been suspended, you may provide an ID…
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